WordPress Slider WD Example

One of the things I love about developing websites using WordPress is the flexibility you get by using any of the thousands of plugins on the market. So many though feel like fly by night, created once, never updated with the recent versions of WordPress, so it takes some time finding a plugin that not only suits your needs but has support behind it and an inferred promise of maintainability.
That’s why I was glad I stumbled upon Web-Dorado last year. I first used their Form Maker (more on that in another post) and have watched it evolve over the past 16 months, getting better with each release. That’s not to say there haven’t been issues. There have. But I say though that you judge a company by how they handle the issues and the people at Web Dorado have been incredibly supportive. They’ve fixed issues quickly, even logging in to my dashboard to do some minor customizations for me. So when I started investigating the use of a slider (see my home page for an example), after checking out a few others, I ended up choosing WordPress Slider WD (and will be going back to some older sites I’ve done to add this plugin). Anyway, I’ll write more about how to use their slider as I get more comfortable with it. But check out one of the things I put together last night.