Have you ever looked at a website only to find information from three years ago but nothing recent? Or try to pull up a business website on your phone, only to discover it’s nearly impossible to view the website in your phone’s browser because it was designed using old technology? Often we believe that once we create a website, we’re done creating a web presence and no further work is needed. Yet, you know you must paint your home every so often, mow your lawn once a week, and change your car’s oil every three to six thousand miles. Well, like your house and car, you need to do website maintenance too.
Types of Website Maintenance
Website maintenance can be as simple as taking regular back-ups (monthly for most sites, weekly perhaps if you have a blog you update frequently), to updating the WordPress platform when regular releases are sent for new functionality or security, to the more extreme refreshing of dated websites with a new website design. While a monthly website maintenance contract may be something you think you do not need, remember, it is cheaper to change your car’s oil regularly than to repair an engine that has seized because it never received an oil change. In the same way, in the long run, it is cheaper to keep current with backups and platform updates, than to have to deal with completely redoing a site lost to a catastrophic system crash.
I can help not only with backups, platform upgrades, and security releases but also with your content upkeep, posting updates to your site for you if you don’t have the time or inclination to do this yourself. With a variety of maintenance plans, it will be easy to find one that fits your needs and budget.